Acts - Of Kindness

"Let all that
you do be done
in "
-1 Corinthians 16:14
SupperBox has partnered with Creative4Christ ministries, a non-profit devoted to helping the less fortunate, the lonely and those suffering from affliction, addiction, and emotional abuse. Utilizing every God-given gift or talent we possess, to creatively finding ways to show care and compassion for those who need it most. We actively practice the gift of kindness and encourage others to do the same.
-Proverbs 11:25
As we near the end of 2021, our goal is to distribute to our less fortunate nearby:
* a minimum of 100 blessing bags which contain: packaged food items, bottled water and toiletries.
* 40 seasonal sacks.
A bundle of season specific clothing created from donations which are provided by our wonderful neighbors and community members.
*A Day to Dine:
An end of the year feast provided by SupperBox to families in need.
Our Goal:
Within the past few months, we have hand delivered simple blessing bags to some of New York City's homeless men and women. In the heart of Manhattan, many are hungry, discouraged, and lonely. As we roam the city streets in search of those tucked away in isolated places and on cold concrete, our hearts are inspired and prompted to do more, to reach more, to feed and clothe as many as our time and resources will allow.
Our Efforts
How can I help?
We appreciate every effort and contribution towards helping those who are going through unfortunate and more than likely misunderstood circumstances. Any donation of your time, talent and resources can be extremely helpful to this ministry of bringing hope. To find out more on how you can contribute to this ministry; Acts of Kindness, please click the link below. To contribute financially, hit the DONATE button for more information. Above all, you can contribute greatly by keeping those who need it most in prayer and by practicing simple acts of kindness daily. If you see something, say something. If you feel something, do something. May God bless you and keep you, now and forever more. Thank you for your interest in practicing kindness.
Stay Connected.
There is a major problem many tend to overlook or are not properly informed about, happening right here in our community and in the greater NY area. Nearly 80,000 New Yorkers... men, women and children are currently living below the poverty line or are completely without food or shelter. The current COVID-19 pandemic has contributed greatly to the rise of this issue, causing thousands more to be on the brink of poverty.
Over 50,000 people are currently in the city's shelter system, including over 15,000 children. These statistics have been formulated simply from our nearby neighborhoods here in the Empire State, a small portion of a much larger group of individuals and families in our nation. Pray for them. Help them however you can. If ever you see them, sometimes a simple compassionate smile can bring a sense of hope to those who seem hopeless. It may look impossible to solve a problem of this magnitude, but with an A-O.K. attitude, we can help make a difference in the lives of those nearby.

The Less Fortunate
In a world buzzing with social networks that keep us all connected to those we love; our friends and family, there is a world in which connecting through technology is difficult, confusing, and frustrating.
Our lives are so busy with the everyday concerns of this world, that we forget to take the time to slow down and think
about those who's lives have slowed down tremendously. A life that seems to be fading away. This can be a lonely and terrifying thing, especially when you are going through it alone. There are currently 12.5 million American seniors living alone and over 1.4 million living in assisted living facilities. Although surrounded by many just like them, our elderly are suffering deeply with anxiety and depression, due to the lack of social interaction.
While many are suffering hearing loss, diminishing eye-sight and even disease, they find it already difficult to communicate. Many feel "pushed to the side" by their busy family members and with not wanting to be a burden, they give up on even trying to receiving our time. This leads to isolation and loneliness. Prolonged isolation has shown to be detrimental to physical and mental health.
Can you think of a loved one or neighbor who is past their prime and could use a little one on one time? A simple phone call, a quick visit or a shared meal can make a big impact in the lives of our seniors. In what creative ways can you show an elderly person kindness?

The Lonely
When we think of someone suffering from an affliction, perhaps we think of someone living with a chronic illness or a person born with a type of deformity, but an affliction can be anything that causes pain; mental or physical, distress or suffering. We encounter people everyday suffering with an affliction, some more noticeable than others.
Americans are dealing with some form of cardiovascular disease. 1 in 5 children in the United States suffer from a learning disorder. 6.2 Americans of varying ages suffer from Alzheimers. 44,000 Americans suffering mentally committed suicide in 2020. Many of us have dealt with and are still dealing with affliction due to Covid-19. With over 42 million cases, we have seen distress and calamity overcome our friends, family, and loved ones. Affliction doesn't always have a prescription attached to it.
Millions of men, women and children in our country are suffering from not only chronic illnesses, but mental illnesses as well. Every year, over 1 million cases of cancer are reported in the U.S. Over 120 million
How can I possibly help someone suffering with an affliction, you might ask? One word... KINDNESS! The greatest gift we can give to anyone who is suffering is what we have to offer from on the inside. Delivering an encouraging word, showing empathy, care, concern and compassion for one's situation. Offering a helping hand or any simple act of kindness, can help someone in an unfortunate situation, feel a little peace and see a little hope. We were created to carry one another's burdens, therefore, let us find ways to help lighten the load.

The Afflicted
Addiction can be a very evident circumstance as well as a very well hidden one, an illness that is extremely misunderstood. What causes an addiction? Addiction can have a tricky beginning. Ones environment, situation, or the effect of social influence and even genetics can become a breeding ground for addiction.
As we know, addiction to illicit drugs has been a problem in our country for many years, with the problem only getting worse today. New York City currently has the largest market for drug addiction with heroin being one of the city's greatest struggles. The number of drug related deaths are outpacing murder rates daily here in the Empire state. This is a scary and disheartening truth to a very dark reality.
When we think of addiction, drugs such as cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, and other hard illegal drugs come to mind, but addiction can be birthed from helpful prescriptions prescribed by our doctors as well, if taken more than instructed. Chronic pain medications (opiates) such as Demerol or Oxycodon, sleeping aids like Ambien or Lunesta, even amphetamines which help our children and many adults focus such as Adderall and many other prescription drugs can become a dependent and can ultimately turn into addiction. Alcohol and marijuana use have become a way to "escape the day" for many Americans, however, this subtle activity has been looked at less as a gateway to addiction, but rather a relaxing and enjoyable past-time.
So what does addiction look like and what are some ways we can help those suffering with an addiction? A few signs that one may be dealing with a serious addiction that needs immediate attention is noticeable damage in family and romantic relationships, financial complications due to funding their substance abuse, career or job loss, deteriorating mental or physical well-being and much more. Awareness and education on the topic of addiction can help save a life and equip you on how to treat this very delicate illness.
One thing to remember when dealing with a friend or loved one who is suffering from addiction, is to be patient and very supportive. Many of those who are struggling have a difficult time admitting they have a problem and may feel too embarrassed to discuss with you or anyone about their addiction. Remember not to criticize the victim, but be a source of strength, speak positively about their future and build lots of trust between you and them. Pray with them (if they allow) and definitely pray for them! Don't expect immediate change, dealing with addiction is a long and hard road for everyone involved.
Support groups and therapy to help understand behavior and triggers are a great source of recovery. New York has many resources for those looking to be free from addiction. If you have any questions or concerns, please dial (888)-NYC-WELL for assistance. To find a rehab center location here in New York, call the addiction center at (844)-499-0304. No matter the treatment, no matter the budget, the road to recovery is available. If you see someone may be dealing with a possible overdose, whether at home or on the 9-1-1 immediately and stay with them until help arrives! If they are unconscious , unresponsive or limp, please do not avoid stepping in and doing the right thing. One life can be all it takes save another's.

The Addicted
Men, women, children, persons with disabilities and the elderly often find themselves in subtle and not so subtle abusive situations. When we think of abuse, physical abuse might be the first thing to come to mind, but abuse comes in many different forms. Abuse is any pattern of behavior used by one person to gain and maintain power and control over another. A few of the most common forms of abuse include: physical, sexual, verbal/emotional, mental, cultural, and even the personal aspect of abuse called self-neglect.
Intervention of an abusive situation can be quite dangerous for anyone who plans to intervene and even more so for the victim. If you suspect that any of the above types of abuse may be happening to someone you know or if YOU are experiencing any form of abuse, do not feel as if there is no hope or help available to you. If you are afraid or uncertain that the situation you are in or that a friend, family member, or co-worker may be in, educate yourself with a safe online platform, which keeps your browsing history clear of ever visiting their site in an aide of protection from the abuser. There is tons of information, tips, planning and resources available to assist in becoming free from any form of abuse. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect, every life is a priceless and precious gift from God. Don't let anyone take away that truth.

The Abused
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"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others, will be refreshed."